We believe that Democracy should have deep roots and sustainability in Pakistan. One of the important factors to sustain democracy is to involve majority of the Pakistani nation in the Electoral System. Pakistan ranks much lower in Elections turnout throughout history. To show this picture we have done mapping of how many of Pakistanis vote from each part of the country using a very interactive graph. The primary source of the data is from the Election Commission of Pakistan website. For details on the data please see this website section Data Sources
This Wikipedia article about Voters Turnout explains various reasons for higher voters turnout during elections.
The team launched Pakistan's First crowdsourcing platform in disaster reporting and mapping in 2010. This is the continuation of the work in the mapping and reporting domain for advocacy.
The team is headed be Senior Fellow at TED Faisal Chohan
There may be some compilation or calculation errors in data (Actually there are few minor ones, because of inconsistencies in data, boundaries and changes in the Adminsitrative system of Pakistan). Please report all such errors to us and we will try to rectify these errors.
You can reach us at info at pakreport dot org